Ultimate Life Purpose Coaching Course





As Published By

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" 

Helen Keller

Do You Find Your Clients Feeling As if They

Dread work? 

Feeling uninspired? 

 Stuck in a meaningless job? 

 Not realizing their full potential? 

 Wish they could get paid to do what they love? 

 Not sure how to turn their passion into a career? 

 Stop tolerating bullshit. 

 Stop wasting their life.

These Are Symptoms of Effort. ā€‹
Effort to Focus

Effort to Find Meaning

Effort to Survive

Effort to Find Love

Effort to Fight for Appreciation.
I can help you, help them find their life's

Hi, I'm Chetan

Hi, Iā€™m Dr Chetan Walia, I have been a coach for 24 years, and I help people and companies grow and achieve their dreams...

I have been doing this session for over 20 years and each time this had led to a breakthrough.

I'm not just talking about outward "success". I'm talking about inner meaning ā€” people loving their work, waking up excited.

I have a Doctorate in Business Strategy and Innovation, so always know you that with me you will always receive scientific and tested inputs.

I am published by 3 of Top-5 publishers in the world. You know I am real and have a verifiable background. So you can trust me.

I am a Chartered FCIPD, the highest possible recognition for a people development professional, so you know I follow the highest ethical standards.

A Vital Psychological Principle For Discovering Life Purpose

We are human beings, not human doings. We must focus on being....

Which Clients Is This Course Good For?

ā€œ !!! Just did this with in a group session. Standing ovation. Woooohooo !!!ā€ ā€‹ ā€œ The four step email sequence works!! I listed 3 open spots for my list. 5 People bought. I can't wait to do this with them now."

ā€œ The four step email sequence works!! I listed 3 open spots for my list. 5 People bought. I can't wait to do this with them now."

The Exact Curriculum

  • Life Purpose
    Introduction to the course.
  • The distinction between doing and being
    How exactly to start this coaching conversation. What questions to ask and how to transition to the topic.
  • We live in a Chaotic Conflict Paradigm
    Conflicts (self and internal) are inevitable. They are not good or bad. But they define our entire life and the choices we make.
  • The Doing Cycle and Unhappiness therein
    How the chaotic paradigm build occupation in life.
  • Incompletions
    This is the core of why we keep doing and do not experience our true joy and purpose.
  • Incompletion to Completion
    An exercise towards ending or getting rid of the chaos and move toward our being.
  • What is my being?
    A breakthrough discovery of what really is my purpose and being in life, ie a state of joy.
  • Life Purpose
    Articulating the purpose of 'my' life.
  • Bonuses
    Bonus-1: Second Method

    A great refreshing method to add on to the session and do a practical demonstration of discovering Life Purpose.

    Bonus-2: Email Sequence to sell this

    My 4-Mail sequence that I have used to sell this course to my list for $1599.

    Bonus-3: One Page Template

    One page proposal template I use to pitch this to Corporate Clients. Works like magic:)

    Bonus-4: 65 Unique Value Proposition Stack
Coaches Are Saying About Life Purpose Course
This course is a tremendous gift to the space because of it's brevity, efficacy, and legacy in being a method developed by your expertise. People needed this and I'm grateful. This has helped me revive my career. Thank you for being you.


I now have a greater understanding of what I am meant to be doing, what my life purpose is and why I hadn't been feeling fulfilled previously.


This course is a tremendous gift to the space because of it's brevity, efficacy, and legacy in being a method developed by your expertise. People Brilliant method that helped me think differently about my life purpose and arrive at a concrete expression of my being. The intelligence behind the framework and process brought an answer quickly once I did the work to complete the healing cycle. The long part for me was completing but once I did, it was wonderful. Thank you Dr. Chetan for creating this concise, effective way to help folks like myself and those with whom I am planning to use this. this and I'm grateful. This has helped me revive my career. Thank you for being you.


Resonated, enjoyed the intelligence of the framework, the process and in fact found a new view point of my own being and doing for myself. THANK YOU CHETAN for your creative genius, generosity being and your doing in sharing this methodology to the world. Highly recommend this, as it is an elegant way to understand with common sense of unlearning & undoing what one thinks about purpose and start with the plain newborn innocence and an innate intelligence of one's being.


This course was exactly what I needed to gain confidence to know what steps to take next in my business.


I can't believe the value in this. My clients are full of gratitude.


Very deep and insightful as all your work!


I've been teaching this for years but not with the same impact that your formula points out.


Money Back Guarantee

The course is guaranteed to help clients discover life purpose - If you complete this course, attempt it with your clients -- and then discover that the method failed - I will refund your investment. No hassles. .

This involves completing the core modules and client practice.. If youā€™ve done that and still want a refund (within 180 days of purchasing the course) and weā€™ll happily refund your entire payment.  

However, please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if youā€™ve completed the entire course and included your reason for the cancellation in the email.

Just email me with your client experience and include your reason for the cancellation in the email.


  • What is this How To Discover Life Purpose?
    This is lifetime access to a course that shows you how to guide your clients to discovering their life purpose.

    Essentially you will introduce one or two concepts, get them to do a couple of reflective exercises, and use the method (that I'll teach you) to easily take them to their life purpose.

    Iā€™ll show you how to the structure, the exact sequence of everything, the slides, and how to present and say what to your clients at every stage.
  • Will this work for any kind of coach?
    See! I am assuming you are a coach. First that. Then that you'll have the maturity to understand this. If you do, Yes it will work for you.

    However if it doesn't, mail me that this is not for you, and I'll process a full refund, even if it is after six months.
  • How long will it take me to learn this?
    You could learn the method in one sitting of 2-3 hours. Once you have gone through it will take you another 1-2 hours to absorb and reflect. This method leads you a silent space and I like people to be there for a while.

    That's it. Implement with other people.
  • How does the 180-Day Guarantee work?
    We want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you - if youā€™re actually going to do the work.

    See the guarantee section just above this section.
  • Is there any additional support?
    Plenty. You can comment on any video with your question. I usually reply within a few hours. Plus I schedule zoom calls every month for further support and knowledge sharing.

    Plus you have 24/7 access to me on mail and whatsapp
  • I am a trainer more than a coach. Will this work for me?
    Yes it will. Group session instructions are included.
  • Do I need an active practice for this to work?
    You donā€™t need a large following or audience for this to work, but you do need some way to make sales, whether thatā€™s email or social media.
I Designed This Session Because....

83% of adults really struggle with this question of life purpose and only 5% find it.

Over 80% of clients expect this guidance from a coach.

Less than 1% of coaches have a proven method for guiding clients to their life purpose.

Therefore it adds tremendous credibility to a coach who can add this value to their client.

And clients go on to become clients for life, with insane amount of referrals.

Amazing 10X Value In Your Hands

This session will get you your most positive feedback ever. Clients love this breakthrough.

This isn't just a session as you will see. You will be clearer than ever about your own purpose in life.

Your clients will hold you at the highest esteem and status post this.

I am giving you everything you need - not just doing the session, but also selling it.

And Once Clients Go Through This....

They experience total and complete clarity about life purpose.

Their belief and trust in you multiplies like nothing else.

And it totally breaks any and all resistances to opening up..

I have done this for clients (my clients tend to be top leaders and managers) for over 20 years - It's Always Worked.

It will always lead to discovery of life purpose.

It is a unique and novel method.

Multiple breakthroughs will be experienced by your clients.

You won't get stuck anywhere - I have included examples inside.

Total Value: Over 10X

Unlock A Signature Session For You

You can save $297 and continue with your methods.


You can invest $297 and have a predictable, reliable, and most effective way to do a session in a manner that gets you to retain clients, get awesome testimonials, and almost impulsive referrals.

You Will Recover 5X This Investment Every Time You Do This Session.
My email templates work on their own. You just have to use them. 
Plus there is the Relationship Breakthrough Session Option That You Get for Free.
When you enrol in Life Purpose, your value as a coach will increase, and you will finally have ā€“
A show stopper session for your packages 
A session through which you will be able to guarantee a breakthrough to your clients  
A Differentiated offering in the crowded market 
Doesnā€™t that sound like the best $297 you could invest in your business? 
 And that too Risk Free
  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

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Knewledge Ltd. 71-75 Shelton St, London WC2H 9JQ

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($297.00)$297.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $160.00)2x $160.00
  • Total payment
  • For Coaches - How To Help Clients Discover Their Life Purpose$0

All prices in USD