"This Presentation Closes Clients Without Having To Sell"
"This Presentation Closes Clients Without Having To Sell"
From The Desk of Dr. Chetan Walia
Leeds, United Kingdom.
Dear Friend,
If you would like to have your consulting services sell like crazy then I am about to hand you over the most effective presentation to do so.
It closes clients without having to sell and does through simply telling some amazing stories over 45-60 minutes.
You can use this online or in-person.
I’ll show you in a minute.
Exactly What You Will Get
This is dramatically different, and total opposite, of what you have ever seen in the name of a presentation. But it converts clients every time.
There are Stories.
And A Wonderful Ending
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Novelty: No One Among Your Competitors Have A Method Like This.
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Breakthrough tactic for gaining TRUST with your CLIENTS is to establish differentiation, superiority, and value add upfront.
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The Secret to success of every high paid speaker — storytelling!!. The presentation is all stories one after another stacked up.
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It’s highly intelligent stuff. Within the stories the presentation is giving solid insights and methods to create possibilities and breakthroughs. It is literally presenting a system to clients to be amazingly successful.
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STEAL THIS: There's an amazing psychological effect that makes people CHOOSE YOU OVER ANYONE ELSE — this is something that tells them that working with you will lead to ideas that will make them ‘LOOK INTELLIGENT AND GOOD’. The presentation demonstrates that subconsciously in great measure.
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This Alone Helped my company out price our competition by 3-10X
Once the presentation is done — you simply pitch in your own product — or do it pre presentation — In any case this will convert the client for you because this is the ultimate Sales Gate you can lay hands on.
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The Presentation is almost positioning you for CELEBRITY VALUE.
You Are Planting Seeds for CREATING DEMAND because clients see this as something they really want.
You are differentiating and easily creating a case for charging MUCH MORE than the norm.
And psychologically through the stories you’ve got them hooked on you. They don’t want this to stop…..
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SO you subtly present the next steps (VERY BRIEFLY)
Present the mechanics (prices, schedule, etc)
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Possibilities: Why do some people see possibilities while others succumb to problems.
What does it really, practically mean to breakthrough.
Stories. Anecdotes. Engagement.
Humour. Intelligence.
A couple of exercises that are pure magic.
It’s about patterns of thinking, how we get conditioned, and how some people break free.
It’s about lateral thinking, problems, and solutions.
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All you have to do is adapt and I am there to answer your questions to help you do that.
Most Importantly: It Does This Job: It Converts The Entire Sales Process To The Customer Buying, Wanting To Buy, Wanting More of You, Rather Than You Attempting To Sell.
People Buy Your Promise,
Not Your Product or Service
Get the Novel Presentation That Makes It A No Brainer For A Client To Buy Any Kind Of Coaching or Training.
Creating a psychological effect that makes people line CHOOSE YOU OVER ANYONE ELSE.
Positioning you as celebrity value.
Differentiating and easily creating a case for charging MUCH MORE than the norm.
Presentation + Script + Slides + Unlimited Q&A
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Email me anytime at Chetan@ChetanWalia.com
We will not share or trade online information that you provide us (including e-mail addresses).
All personal information you submit is encrypted and secure.
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H9JQ
All prices in USD
About Dr. Chetan Walia
A PhD. In Business Strategy and Innovation
Chartered FCIPD
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Top 100 Leaders in Education
Top 50 Thought Leaders
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Published Author
Published Peer Reviewed Scholar
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Advisor to some of the leading companies in the world. His clients include.
One More Thing
Over the years I’ve learnt that many of my clients find me when they need me the most.
It always amazes me – as well as them!
Some clients don’t even know how they came to find me – they just did. And the conversations and insights that have taken place in those circumstances have been both amazing and overwhelming… in a great way.
So if you’re waiting for a sign from the Universe – this is it.
I look forward to connecting with you.